quarta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2017
Bruna Jones Interview Scott Patterson
Hello dear readers, I hope everyone is well and seated, that today is the day to check out a very special interview here on the blog! Nor am I believing that I was able to bring this conversation I had with the actor and musician, Scott Patterson to you guys. For you who live on Mars, Scott was featured as the male lead in the great television series recently revived by Netflix, "Gilmore Girls," as well as numerous other series and movies. Today you will check a little more about your career, including about your band, "SMITHRADIO". Come with me!
Bruna Jones: You have a very wide artistic career. How did you decide you wanted to develop your artistic side?
Scott Patterson: It wasn't a decision because I was always doing it from the time I was a small child. It's a natural state for me. I'm constantly creating because I see the world - and my life - as this grand experiment. I also have to be careful because whatever I focus my mind on it usually comes to fruition. My mother taught me how to do this. She could access a larger percentage of her brain for just such activity and she taught me the secret. Life is what you make it and believe me you can make your life in any way you want.
Bruna Jones: What were the main difficulties you encountered in building your career in Hollywood?
Scott Patterson: It wasn't difficult. I'm very disciplined so I knew it was just a matter of time. I worked hard at my craft. Became an expert. You have to put in the hours. That isn't hard for me.
Bruna Jones: You gained international fame by playing the "Gilmore Girls" series that recently gained a revival by Netflix. How did you feel returning in this four part special?
Scott Patterson: It felt great. Loved seeing everyone and the work was better because we were all so relaxed. We knew this was just a temporary situation and perhaps the last so we savored it more.
Bruna Jones: How did "SMITHRADIO" happen?
Scott Patterson: It's always been. It just happened to be the right time with the right guys. Great players and my songwriting got better so I felt more confident going out and playing live. You have to have the songs and I have the songs.
Bruna Jones: Do you write for the band? What are your main musical influences?
Scott Patterson: I wrote all the songs, yes. Influences are many - Hendrix, Bowie, Beatles, Stones, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Aerosmith etc. so many. I love Noel Gallagher and Paul Weller. Florence and the Machine. She's heaven. They are simply gifted songwriters. Love 'The Verve.' 'Slide Away' might be the best rock song of the last thirty years. I don't know if he wrote it but Liam Gallagher's "Wall Of Glass" is what rock is all about. Grabs you right away. Also love Rita Ora, Rihanna, Fergie, Pink. Demi Lovato. They can wail. I love talent that wails.
Bruna Jones: Do you believe that the social media that we have today benefits the artist more or can end up hurting while helping?
Scott Patterson: Both. It helps spread the word on all revenue streams and may enhance them but overall I think napster and Apple have destroyed revenue streams for artists because they saw an opening. The record industry was too slow to pivot in a digital world and got crushed. The idea that full albums got in the way of Apple's business model hurt artists in general and it's ironic since Jobs himself was such a Dylan fan. I loved getting lost in an album - its art, it hidden messages, its liner notes, its 10-13 songs arranged in well thought out order - Album sales simply don't exist anymore and that's sad. Consumers are getting more choices but are not able to immerse themselves in the world of the artist's creation, which was always the primary marketing focus - the album. The album is the band's soul. The album communicated on every level. That touchstone is gone and I think to the detriment of the consumer and the world of music as a whole. A lot of great music is getting to the marketplace but at a much reduced value and depth. Steve Jobs may have made a great deal for Apple but his vision reduced the artist to virtual insignificance - and that was really the point, wasn't it? - to minimize the artist as a negotiating tool while wiping out the individual's message, and therefore contributing yet another body blow to individuality as we "progress" further into this digital realm. I am still stunned that so many big artists agreed to Jobs' demands. Not only are they paying the price, we all are.
Bruna Jones: You have the gift of acting and singing.. Ever thought about getting involved in movies or musical theater? Is it something you would consider doing?
Scott Patterson: I have done several movies. I was offered the lead in Repo: The Genetic Opera which was a rock opera and I very much wanted to do it but I was working on a series at that time and couldn't get my schedule to work. I have never wanted a role more that that one - and by he same token never wanted to be off a show more than the one I was on. Lol. When it was cancelled after the first season I threw the biggest party in the history of parties! That was nine years ago and the cops are still showing up at my house from the echoes!
Bruna Jones: You just built a coffee company called "Scotty P's Big Mug Coffee", how is it being split between the company and its musical side in "SMITHRADIO"?
Scott Patterson: My attention is now on my coffee company "Scotty P's Big Mug Coffee". We are launching before the holidays so there is a tremendous amount of work to do. It's taken over my life for the foreseeable future. I love my blends and my main concern is giving my customers a rich, smooth flavor at a low price. I look forward to serving the world my special blends of coffee. The tour was great. We played 25 shows in 7 states and sold out every venue. Loved every minute of it. Being away from my family was hard but that's the trade off. In the future I will play less shows but in larger venues. It's all about the coffee now.
Bruna Jones: Have you ever been to Brazil? Would you like to come and visit us?
Scott Patterson: Never been but would love to tour there. Absolutely. Love my Brazilian fans.
Bruna Jones: And is there any news coming soon? Something you can talk about?
Scott Patterson: "Scotty P's Big Mug Coffee" will be available online very soon. You are going to love the taste, flavor and, most of all, the price! It's the best quality coffee - at its price point - in the world.
So, my dear... I hope you have enjoyed the surprise... I am still dancing with happiness here. But before finishing, come check out a special message from our dear Scott: "Hello Brazilian fans. I love you and want to marry you all. Let's set a date and have a massive ceremony! I will marry your entire country and you will all take the name Patterson. It will be very tiring but I'm willing to do it. I await your answer on bended knee while taking many supplements to prepare." I would just say: "Come soon!" And you guys?
Anyone who wants to keep up with the work of Scott and his band, has list with social networks. Check here with me: On Twitter: @ SMITHRADIO111 and @ScottGPatterson, on Instagram: @SMITHRADIOOFFICIAL and @scottgordonpatterson and finally on Facebook: @ SMITHRADIO111 and @ scottpatterson111 beauty?
And I? Soon I'll be back with a new interview. Any news I come back, remembering that anyone who wants to contact me, can add on facebook, searching for "Bruna Jones" and now in the official page of the blog, you find exclusive content: click here! You can also search and follow on Twitter at @odiariodebrunaj right?
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